N11. Playground-shelter in N.Karmiraghbyur village school
Nerkin Karmiraghbyur is one of the villages of Berd region in Tavush region. It is located 192 km from Yerevan, 59 km from the regional center and 1.5 km from the state border of the Republic of Armenia with Azerbaijan. The population of Nerkin Karmiraghbyur is about 1,000 people, about 300 of whom are children. The population is engaged in cattle breeding, horticulture, crop production. Children in this village are extraordinary courageous, they love footbool and dream of peace to come to their land. Please watch the video!
The community has a school, infirmary, a kindergarten. The village is subject to daily shooting attacks due to extreme proximity of village houses and the school to Azeri posts. The school has a renovated basement used as a shelter. It consists of two rooms, it has ventillation and a toilet. The shelter should be furnished with floor coverings, batteries, covers, a player, dry food supplies, children’s furniture, toys, educational games, heating equipment, first aid toolkit.