N10 Playground and shelter in Aygedzor community
Aygedzor is a border village in Berd region of Tavush region of Armenia. 75 km southeast of the regional center, on the bank of the river Akhinja. The village has a population of about 3,000, of which about 100 are school-age children. The population of Aygedzor is engaged in cattle breeding, poultry farming, pig breeding, beekeeping, field farming, horticulture and wild fruit harvesting, which can be life threatening. So, 2018 On April 12, at about 2:30 pm, three residents of Aygedzor village, Tavush region, entered the intermediate area of the combat units of the RA Ministry of Defense N, where an explosive device detonated, resulting in injuries. One resident received a mine explosion – traumatic amputation of the lower third of the right arm, multiple fracture injuries to the right and left half of the body, and the other two – a traumatic amputation of the left foot.
Aygedzor has one school where about 100 students study. The school has a renovated basement where students regularly hide from shootings. The Guardian Foundation will renovate the basement, making it a haven with a ventilation and lighting system, as well as a classroom and playroom. The shelter was repaired with the support of American-Armenian benefactor Petros Chichidzhian.